Wednesday, November 7, 2018


PB3: WP3 Prep
  • Part 1
From my classmate’s feedback, I can think about improving my ACURA project by redefining my research question.  I can also talk about specific situations in the economy whether it's good or bad and then discuss how people are affected by it. The suggestions that I received back were making my slides more simple, I think I added too much detail to the slides. The most common suggestion that I did get was to not rely so much on my notecards and engage with the class more by making eye contact. Some changes that I'm thinking about for my ACURA project is narrowing it down to a simpler topic that would help me with refining my research question.

  • Part 2:
How can an economic crisis downfall affect the poor and vulnerable?

  • Part 3:
Granados, J. A., & Roux, A. V. (2009). Life and death during the Great Depression. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,106(41), 17290-17295. doi:10.1073/pnas.0904491106

Parmar, D., Stavropoulou, C., & Ioannidis, J. P. (2016). Health outcomes during the 2008 financial crisis in Europe: Systematic literature review. Bmj,I4588. doi:10.1136/bmj.i4588

Nandi, A., Charters, T. J., Strumpf, E. C., Heymann, J., & Harper, S. (2013). Economic conditions and health behaviours during the ‘Great Recession’. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health,67(12), 1038-1046. doi:10.1136/jech-2012-202260

Assari, S., & Moghani Lankarani, M. (2018). Workplace racial composition explains high perceived discrimination of high socioeconomic status african american men. Brain Sciences, 8(8), 139. doi:10.3390/brainsci8080139

Hammond, W. (2012). Taking it like a man: Masculine role norms as moderators of the racial discrimination-depressive symptoms association among african american men. American Journal of Public Health, 102(S2), S232-S241. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2011.300485

Kennedy, J., & King, L. (2014). and the political economy of farmers' suicides in india: Indebted cash-crop farmers with marginal landholdings explain state-level variation in suicide rates. Globalization and Health, 10(1), 16-16. doi:10.1186/1744-8603-10-16

Tallman, P. S. (2016). The index of vulnerability: An anthropological method linking social-ecological systems to mental and physical health outcomes. Social Science & Medicine, 162, 68-78. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2016.06.016

Glewwe, P., & Hall, G. (1998). Are some groups more vulnerable to macroeconomic shocks than others? hypothesis tests based on panel data from peru. Journal of Development Economics, 56(1), 181-206. doi:10.1016/S0304-3878(98)00058-3

Goldman‐Mellor, S., Caspi, A., Arseneault, L., Ajala, N., Ambler, A., Danese, A., . . . Moffitt, T. E. (2016). Committed to work but vulnerable: Self‐perceptions and mental health in NEET 18‐year olds from a contemporary british cohort. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 57(2), 196-203. doi:10.1111/jcpp.12459

depression  + international economy  + poor + vulnerable + African americans + men + suicide + economics + depression + economic crisis + workplace

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

wp2 rubric

  • Part 1

Did Not Meet Expectations
Met Expectations
Exceeded Expectations
Brought proposal to life

Met the time limit

Clear & Easy to understand

Research was explained

Elevator Pitch was creative

Visual Representations

Flow of ideas
(work is in order)


  • Part 2
An elevator pitch is persuasive. What makes an elevator pitch an elevator pitch is that its conversational, casual, confidence, good content and context.

  • Part 3

Strengths - confident, knew what he was talking about, comfortable
Struggles - too cocky, arrogant

Strengths - comfortable, clearly practiced before giving his pitch
Struggles - seemed a little nervous, wasn't relaxed

Strengths - explained the product well, content and context was good
Struggles -was not conversational,

All of the elevator pitches were persuasive and was easy to be intrigued to. The only thing different that I can point out is the level of confidence each person. In the first one, he had too much confidence and just seemed to say whatever was on his mind.
While the other two were just laid back about whatever they were trying to sell. I liked how each one was interesting in its own way.


PB2B: Examining the Rhetorical Features of Scholarly Articles
The scholarly articles  I examined were the “Impact of Global Economic Crisis on suicide” and also “Evidence for economic crisis exacerbating depression” The world economy ( global economics) is the economy of the world, considered as the international exchange of goods and services that is expressed in monetary units of account. I was interested in researching how this business aspects affect people in their daily lives. These articles that I will later discuss gives some reasoning about my research.
The first scholarly article I examined was the “Impact of Global Economic Crisis on suicide”. The 2008 economic crisis had a major impact on countries around the world. Chaos in the banking sector led to failures in stock markets, bankruptcies, house repossessions, and an increase in unemployment. The International Labour Organization estimated that the number of jobless worldwide reached about 212 million in 2009. The World Health Organization also raised concern over the crisis’ impact on global health and called for integrated actions to closely monitor and protect health, in particular among the poor and vulnerable people. The researchers collected data from around the country that showed suicide rates from before and after the economic crisis. It was estimated that in 1997, with the economic crisis in Japan, South Korea, and Hong Kong 10,000 suicides occurred. Previously, researchers found that economic downturns tend to have the greatest effects on men of working age. To investigate the impact of the 2008 global economic crisis on international trends in suicide and to identify sex/age groups and countries most affected.
The second scholarly article  I examined was the “Evidence for economic crisis exacerbating depression”. Major economic crisis, especially in Hong Kong caused conflicts with a person’s mental state. Recent studies on the relationship between economic crisis and mental health are the main issues researchers are finding. Surveys that the researchers have also studied, shows that an economic crisis can build up a specific mental disorder such as depression, a leading global contributor to the burden of disease that is believed to increase in bad economic times.  Some physical health issues like obesity, heart disease, and diabetes could improve during an economic crisis because people might be forced by financial reasons to adopt a healthier lifestyle, such as by eating less meat and walking or cycling more. This shows how when the economy goes into a crisis it not only affects just the economy, but it affects those all around it and affects how they go onto their daily routines.
These researchers have studies this phenomena of how a global economy crisis can affect those who am surrounded by them. These researchers have described the concept of economy crisis in similar ways by gathering information and data by also interpreting what the statistics and graphs ultimately mean. They have described the same concept differently by going into more depth about certain products. They have the same concepts by gathering research from all around the world that backs up their idea of how people are affected from the crisis. The research methods included sampling, instruments(detects behavior), statistical analysis, and results of serves that were taking all over the world. Each scholar's argument was basically  how those affected by an economy fall with find themselves mentally and physically unstable.
These scholarly articles are a unique genre because I don't think that most people look into the aftermath of an actual economy fall. This was unique to read about it and see that it is happening all around and outside this country. Their conventions includes, formats, heading, sections, research, abstract,  backgrounds, methods, and keywords. The affordance from these scholarly articles is that it's easily accessible, anyone can read about it. The constraints are not knowing updates on the problem currently. I would describe their rhetorical feature as being easy to understand and follow. Each author's purpose is to inform people on the effects of an economy crisis and how it can lead to mental problems and sometimes suicide. Their audience are other students, scholars, professors who teach about mental health issues, economics, and business. I would characterize their writing style as easy to follow along. Each articles was structured with a brief summary before the actual content of the article, introductions, research, questions about the research and conclusions. The logic behind setting the article up this way is to give readers an easier way to retain a lot of the information that was giving on the topic. It was easier to follow from what the actual article would talk about to then the conclusions. 
The aspects of the two scholarly article that strike me as the most important was that Suicide had a low rate and is associated with the most severe forms of depression that occurred only in a small subset of depressed individuals. Learning how society's reduced tolerance of behavioral problems in a contracting economy might lead to greater use of police power in trying to get patients into hospitalization.  This was the most important and the most interesting thing to me because I never really thought about the economy this way. I usually thought it has nothing to do with us but yet after reading these scholarly articles I now realize that people are greatly affected by it.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

pb2a parts 3-5

art 3

Part 3
I would like to investigate...

What kind of images motivate people that they view on social media sites?

What effect does it have on them?

What is the impact of social media marketing on business?

Within businesses and organizations, how will social media activities be tracked and put together, and whose responsibility is it to handle each of those functions?
Do people interact differently online than in person?
Part 4
Words that could facilitate my search
  • Social media
  • motivat*
  • Marketing
  • Business
  • Organization
  • Interactions
  • Images
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Behavior
  • celebrit*
Part 5
Nunes, R. H., Ferreira, J. B., de Freitas, A. S., & Ramos, F. L. (2018). The effects of social media opinion leaders' recommendations on followers' intention to buy.Revista Brasileira De Gestão De Negócios, 20(1), 57-73. doi:
Huang, Yi-Ting, and Sheng-Fang Su. "Motives for Instagram use and Topics of Interest among Young Adults." Future Internet, vol. 10, no. 8, 2018, pp. 77.
Lin, Xialing, Kenneth A. Lachlan, and Patric R. Spence. "Exploring Extreme Events on Social Media: A Comparison of User reposting/retweeting Behaviors on Twitter and Weibo."Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 65, 2016, pp. 576-581.

Mears, Ashley. "Working for Free in the VIP: Relational Work and the Production of Consent."American Sociological Review, vol. 80, no. 6, 2015, pp. 1099-1122.

Monday, October 8, 2018


Part 1
How has business grown overtime from not just the use of technology? 
What other factors in the world contribute to the business world?
What relevance does human behavior have to do with business? 
How does the media affect a person's behavior in the work place?
Does Business have its own protection?

Professor Salar Ghahramani studies Constitutional Law, Corporate Governance Law, Fiduciary Law, International & Comparative Business Law, The Law of Public Pension & Sovereign Wealth Funds
Professor Daniel Goldberg studies Entrepreneurship/Business, Human Behavior and Motivation, Leadership, Happiness and Contentment, Human and Societal Evolution, World History

Part 2

I find Professor Salar research study on the law of public pension & Sovereign Wealth Funds the most intriguing because I want to know who decides how much a person should receive and how can they keep us with that individual who’s receiving pension.
I find Professor Daniel research study on human behavior and motivation intriguing because I am curious on how an individual’s behavior and motivation affects their everyday life in the world.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018


Reverse outline of WP1
Paragraph 1 -  Every sport has some type of news media that their fans can go to and review updates throughout the season and even after the season.
Paragraph 2- NBA’s player profiles includes insights on a player from the time they’ve got drafted until now
Paragraph 3 - ESPN’s player profile includes a player’s history along with fun facts and videos.
Paragraph 4 - Rotoworld’s player profile about a player informs readers on what he/she is doing outside of that sport.
Paragraph 5 - Even though these three player profiles have its differences, they all have something in common. Their targeted audience is sports fans, commentators, and athletes.

The organizational/structural approach that I took to my WP1 was first coming up with an argument and then going from there. I first tried to find a good way to introduce my argument along with a thesis. After this, I found three examples that I would describe. The next two to four pages would eventually be directed to each example. After talking about each example and analyzing, I came up with a conclusion to describe the similarities and differences that I found within the three examples.
Moving forward, the changes that I might make will be to stay on track. After re-reading my WP1 it felt like I was just writing just to write and not getting to the point. I also felt like I went off track with my argument. It seemed as if I was talking about certain things that was off topic from my argument. Next time, I will incorporate sources from the assigned readings correctly rather than just have them floating through out my essay. Also, I think next time I will read the assigned reading more in depth. It will be easier for me to write and include vocab from the reading. In general, moving forward I will most likely have more people to peer edit my work and give me comments so I can make my writing better.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

WP1 Proposal

WP1 Proposal

Reviews > Sports Reviews > NBA Advanced Stats > Lebron James’ player profile

Social Media > Youtube > Vlogging > Eva Gutowski

                            Sports  > NCAA > Team’s Analysis > Uconn Women’s Basketball

Monday, September 3, 2018

PB1B : Genre Generators

Inspecting Genre Generators

As I inspect various genre generators from SCIgen, comic strips, memes, and random movies.  you will notice that all of them has its similarities and differences. These differences are very unique because each generator is specifically designed to give you a different perspective on certain things that you might have actually thought different about in the past. Before I did my research on each generator, I gathered a few thoughts on what might each look like because I never knew what a genre generator really was. I figured each different generator will be a totally different genre because they will most likely  generate different words, conventions, and images each time you use them.

The first genre generator that I analyzed was created by a company named ScIGEN. SCIgen is a program that generates random computer science research papers, including graphs, figures, and citations. It uses a hand-written context-free grammar to form all elements of the papers. It aims to “maximize amusement, rather than coherence”. Here is an example of  SCIgen website’s randomly generated scientific research paper is “Rooter: A methodology for the Typical Unification of Access Points and Redundancy.” This example of a  randomly generated paper conventions that I noticed was the formatting and organization of the paper. It had an introduction, analysis, experimental evaluation, experimental analysis, data tables and charts as well as a conclusion. I also seen more conventions as I closely looked at the paper, that I didn't even realize the first time I looked at it.  It was surprising to see the abstract of the paper, titles, implementation, hardware and software configuration, experimental results, related work, multi-processors, and references of a research paper.

The second generator that I analyzed was Pandyland comic strip generator. This generator created randomized comic strips based off a certain genre or word that a particular person would type  into it. I already had an idea of the conventions that I would find, but thee majority of conventions in this generator are similar to most comic books, which are eye-appealing, easy to read, colorful, narrative/storytelling, graphic, cartoon-like, and humorous.

The third generator that I analyzed were memes from meme generator. Since already knowing about memes, it was easy to talk about it and explain it more on why a meme is a meme, and also pointing out the conventions. A meme is a viral cultural symbol and also a social idea. The majority of memes are captioned photos that are intended to be funny. Other memes can be videos and verbal expressions. A meme can be almost any idea or concept expressed in some form of content on the web, which is why it can be difficult to get a real definition. It can be a photo, a video, a person, an animal, a fictional character, an event, a song, a belief, an action, a GIf, a symbol, a word or anything else. Memes often gets shared all over the Internet.

The last generator that I analyzed was one that I picked on my own which was random list of movies created by “SuggestMeMovie” I chose this because movies are very hard to choose because so many are released into theaters or for rental every week. A random movie selection probably isn't any better or worse than your choosing.  Sometimes if you try to look for a good movie, some critics have their own opinion and might can influence you from not watching a movie that you might actually like. You type in the year you want to watch a movie from, genre, ratings, and keywords eg. a famous actor/actress, topic, etc and then boom a list of random movies is right there for you. The conventions that stood out to me were easy to use, helpful, straightforward, colorful,  and organized. Each time the generator is used it suggests you a new movie.

I know you’re wondering how can thinking about what’s happening in these websites can help someone better understand genre? It starts with conventions, they play a big role in genres. Understanding a genre’s fixed pattern of conventions can help you better understand a genre. Analyzing these four different genre generators made me realize how much of a variety there is of genres out there. You can see that every genre has its own characteristics, tone, purpose, text, and audience. In conclusion, each genre and its generator  is unique in its own way. Some uses more imagery and less information than other genres but together the goal of each is to please whoever uses it.