Tuesday, October 16, 2018

wp2 rubric

  • Part 1

Did Not Meet Expectations
Met Expectations
Exceeded Expectations
Brought proposal to life

Met the time limit

Clear & Easy to understand

Research was explained

Elevator Pitch was creative

Visual Representations

Flow of ideas
(work is in order)


  • Part 2
An elevator pitch is persuasive. What makes an elevator pitch an elevator pitch is that its conversational, casual, confidence, good content and context.

  • Part 3

Strengths - confident, knew what he was talking about, comfortable
Struggles - too cocky, arrogant

Strengths - comfortable, clearly practiced before giving his pitch
Struggles - seemed a little nervous, wasn't relaxed

Strengths - explained the product well, content and context was good
Struggles -was not conversational,

All of the elevator pitches were persuasive and was easy to be intrigued to. The only thing different that I can point out is the level of confidence each person. In the first one, he had too much confidence and just seemed to say whatever was on his mind.
While the other two were just laid back about whatever they were trying to sell. I liked how each one was interesting in its own way.

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